Chlorine and your shower water :
Consider, you get more toxin exposure from taking a shower than from drinking the same water. Tests show that your body can absorb more chlorine as a result of a 10 minute shower, or bath, than if you drank 8 glasses of the same water!
See “Downloads” for more information.
For a cleaner, chlorine free, fresher shower
Filters Chlorine, Sediment and dirt, and Odours. For softer skin and more manageble hair consider the Shower Filter.
Tests show that your body can absorb more chlorine as a result of a 10 minute shower than if you drank 8 glasses of the same water.
A warm shower, or bath opens up the pores, causing your skin to act like a sponge. As a result, you not only inhale the harmful chlorine vapors, you absorb it through your skin, directly into your bloodstream at a rate up to 6 times higher than drinking it.
A cost effective solution is available with replacement cartridges and easy to install.