Iron & Manganese in water
Iron & Manganese in Water – Filtration Solution :
BIRM or GREEN SAND filter media & technology will remove iron and manganese that can cause staining of clothes and plumbing/household fixtures. Heavy metal, or dissolved iron in raw source water, mainly from borehole water, can only be removed via an ion exchange process. To correctly size the iron filtration system, Nimbus Water will need to know the iron ppm content, to ensure effective contact time required by correct loading of BIRM media.
See “Downloads” for more information.
Iron Removal Technology & Treatment Solution
Iron filters remove iron and manganese that can cause staining of clothes and household plumbing fixtures. Ferric iron usually appears as rust coloured particales floating or settling in the water. Ferrous iron is in the dissolved form and cannot be seen in water. When water containing ferrous iron is exposed to air, the iron oxidizes and ferric iron is formed. Water with average iron or manganese content is not considered a health problem, but can be very objectionable in taste, odour, or appearance if iron is present in amounts greater than 0.3 milligrams per liter, or manganese is present in amounts greater than 0.05 milligrams per liter. Iron filters are only effective for removal of ferrous or soluble iron and manganese. The system looks like water softeners but contain a bed of natural or synthetic manganese green sand. Manganese dioxide oxidizes iron and manganese and the oxidized particles are then filtered out in the lower part of the media bed. Such filter can remove 75-90% of iron in concentrations as high as 10-15 milligrams per liter.
Typical Iron Removal Filtration System Installation
Removal of dissolved metals in borehole or well water, Iron as Fe and Manganese as Mn, only effective through an ION EXCHANGE system, using special BIRM as the filtration media in the filtration process. Dissolved Iron causes RUST type staining, and Manganese BLACK staining.
Heavy metals in borehole, or well water, generally is an aesthetic, or operational issue, The water test results will indicate, if the heavy metals exceed the SANS241 limits for operational, or there is any risk of chronic health relating to the level of iron in the water
For Nimbus Water to offer a correctly sized iron removal system, Nimbus do recommend that the borehole water is tested against SANS241. Nimbus Water need to know the pH level and the level of dissolved iron, or heavy metals in the water in mg/l, or ppm.
Iron Filter - Diagram
See Download for technical information and detail.Iron filter, backwash model. The unit is used for removal of iron, sulfur, sediment, tastes and odours, depending upon the filtering media/material used in the tank. Talk to Nimbus WaterTec for FREE advise. Five types of iron removal systems and technology are available. Iron Filter, Water Softeners that contain a zeolite mineral in the resin that will remove soluble iron on a ion exchange basis – the same waycalcium and magnesium are removed in water softening. Polyphosphate Feeder can handle up to 3 milligrams per liter of iron in solution. This process contain a phosphate compound which coates the soluble iron and prevents its oxidation when the water is exposed to air. Chlorinator and filter, or chlorination followed by filtration through a sand filter can remove any quantity of iron in any form. The chlorine oxidizes and precipitates the iron and the filter strains out the particles. Carbon filtration may be required to remove exess chlorine residue. Aerator and Filter as an alternative system/process to chlorination for iron removal is that of aeration followed by filtration. An aerator introduces oxygen into the water, thereby causing ferrous iron to precipitate through oxidation.