+27(0)11 395 3133 andre@nimbuswater.co.za

Rain/Run-off Water

Rain or Ruun-off Water Treatment & Rain Water Harvesting Options :

Rain water harvesting, or run-off water is often directed to JoJo type water storage tanks for re-use, re-cycling purposes, or for irrigation later. JoJo tanks also used for municipal water back-up, or rain water harvesting, using rain water as back up for water to the home

Basic filtration & some form of disinfection via UV-C, or Ultra Violet, can turn this rain water, run-off water or waste water into a valuable source of potable drinking water, or for other domestic applications, such as back up water supply. Nimbus Water can assist with rain water storage applications and options for rain water filtration technology .

See “Downloads’ for more information

JoJo Water Storage Solutions

Nimbus Water offer a package project for a Jo-Jo water storage from source water, be it rain water collection, back up water supply, from borehole, river or dam water. Grey water, effluent or other. Nimbus Water South Africa offer water treatment solutions, from basic filtration to advanced filtration technology to treat the raw water for various applications. Turn “dead waste water”, through specific filtration and water treatment, into an ideal and useable water product.

Nimbus WaterTec Designed Solution/s

Nimbus WaterTec will design a rain water harvesting system, run-off process and offer the applied water filtration technology to meet your objective. Be it for irrigation, commercial applications, or drinking water, we have a solution.

Rain or Run-off Water Treatment

Nimbus Water 20″ BB pre-filter, 20″ BB micron Sediment Filter, 20″ BB Activated Carbon Filter mounted on Steel Bracket.

  • In-line Dosing Unit with by-pass manifold
  • PVC flocculation manifold fitted with automatic mixers
  • All mounted on painted Steel Skid
  • Flowrate up to 5 000 lt/hr
  • Cleans and sterilizes any water from Jo-Jo storage, river or borehole water that is not clear
  • Kills all germs and bacteria
  • Producing clean, bacteria free, tasteless, oudorless, chlorine free drinking water.

Raw Water Storage Treatment

Large volume surface, or ground water can be treated to offer safe drinking water. Basic to advanced water filtration technology is available to turn “dead or waste” water into a consumable or commercial water product. Time has arrived to make better use of a, or any source of water that is fast running out!
Media News November 2010 – Only 5 years of drinking water left!

JoJo Water Tanks & Water Storage Solutions

INSTALL A WATER TANK & TREAT THE WATER FOR APPLICATION. The cost of water in South Africa is not that high, so we tend to be wasteful, or tend to waste water. Indications however are that water will become more expensive and there may simply not be enough water to meet the country‘s future needs and the need to save water will be forced upon us. Every South African should therefore become savvy about rainwater harvesting and install rainwater tanks. Add Water treatment for application – From basic irrigation to drinking water!

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