+27(0)11 395 3133 andre@nimbuswater.co.za

Acidic Water

What is Acidic Water and Why? :

Acidic water has a pH of less than 7 on the scale of 1 to 14. pH, the Potential of Hydrogen is the ratio between CO2 – Carbon Dioxide and Bicarbonate Alkalinity.
pH at 25 C can tell us quite a bit about the quality of the water and the COD – bacteria consuming oxygen, or the WATER HARDNESS, Lime scale and specific water filtration system required.

Dissolved Carbon Dioxide

Water containing high levels of dissolved carbon dioxide and/or mineral acids is common in ground waters all over the Earth. In some cases this can cause rapid corrosion and development of pin- hole leaks in household and commercial piping. Blue stains from copper pipe corrosion, or rusty water from iron pipes can cause staining of clothes and fixtures.

pH – What Does it Mean – High or Low ph

The term “pH” is used to indicate acidity or alkalinity of a given solution. It is not a measure of the quantity of acid or alkali, but rather a measure of the relationship of the acid to the alkali. The pH value of a solution describes its hydrogen-ion activity. The pH scale ranges between O and 14.

Typically all natural waters fall within the range of 6.0 to 8.0 pH. A value of 7.0 is considered to be a neutral pH. Values below 7.0 are acidic and values above 7.0 are alkaline. The pH value of water will decrease as the content of CO2 increases, and will increase as the content of bicarbonate alkalinity increases. The ratio of carbon dioxide and bicarbonate alkalinity (within the range of 3.6 to 8.4) is an indication of the pH value of the water. Water with a pH value of 3.5 or below, generally contains mineral acids such as sulfuric or hydrochloric acid.

Acidic Water

Acidic waters usually attain their acidity from the seepage of acid mine waters, or acidic industrial wastes. Acid mine waters are frequently too low in pH to provide suitable drinking water even after neutralization and treatment.

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